Monday, December 12, 2011

Addi received a gift last week from our dear friend Amaia. She loved it. She carried it around the house, filled it with her play food and even hung it on the Christmas tree!

Funny Face

Addi the Artist

We didn't want Baby Elli to be left out of all the Christmas tree decorating fun.

Christmas Tree

Addi LOVED hanging the "mnms" aka ornaments on the tree. She took special care with each ornament and placed them just so.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Daddy and the Girls

Addi getting her first and hopefully only "tattoo" from Grandma

Addi playing with the bubbles in the sink with Grandma

Daddy gaming and taking care of Tiny Babe

Grandma and Baby Elli

Beautiful Girls

So this is what life with two has become! lol (No children were hurt during the taking of this picture).

My baby has style!

Sweet Elli Girl!

Addi loves to squeeze herself into small places:)

The Girls

Baby Elli relaxing in her Boppy Pillow

The Girls
First tummy time

Pretty Elli


Elli's first bath

Addi helping brush Elli's hair after her bath.

Addi loving her baby sister

Addi helping Mommy wash Baby Elli.

Addi putting her Thomas train set together with Daddy.

Addi was so excited to get her first Thomas starter train set as a gift from Baby Elli!

Waiting to open her gift from Baby Elli

Chillin' in the hospital with Daddy on his birthday.

Resting on Mommy's hospital bed.

Fun times at the hospital

Grandma Jina holding baby Elli for the first time

Daddy and Elli catching some shut eye.

Mama and Elli cuddling.

Chad contemplating the cost of two weddings now!


Addi loved holding her new baby sister!

Jennifer, Russ and Emma were a few of the first visitors to welcome Baby Elli.

Addi welcomed Baby Elli with a new snowman.

Mimi and Elli