Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sweet Addi Silly Head

Fried Twinkie

Indiana State Fair

Addi loved the baby chicks

Dryer Sheets!

Mommy turned her back for just a few moments only to return and find Addi with all the dryer sheets out of the box!

More summer fun

Addi loved playing tether ball, or "ta ta ball" as she called it.

Camp Hickory Summer Fun

Addi spent much of her summer climbing up and walking on the wooden beams that surrounded the swing set. She has very good balance!

Addi collected MANY sticks this summer. She loved it, and there were plenty at camp.

25 weeks pregnant

Addi and Daddy at Camp

Addi helping daddy do a little work at Camp Hickory coffee house.

Eating chips with daddy and baby. One of the few food items Addi rarely turns down.

Addi hates anything in her hair. But every once in a while she will let me strategically place a bobby pin or two so that we can see how pretty she is:)

Flowers with Mimi

Addi loves to work in the garden with Mimi. She loves to dead-head, pick flowers and make bouquets:)

Addi swimming at Mimi and Papaws.

Addi is very good at taking care of her animals. She manages to keep hold of her horse, lady bug and feed baby Elmo!