Tuesday, September 27, 2011

More fun with trike

The sweetest face in the world:)

Lookin' just like Daddy:)

Addi's new trike

Addi watching t.v. with her baby doll

Addi got some new boots for the winter and just couldn't wait to wear them.

As you can see she was pretty agile in them:)

Fun with Daddy

Addi was having so much fun sliding down the slide on her tummy, pretending to have an "owie" and then running to daddy to kiss it better.

Big Girl Potty

Addi has been "trying out" her big girl party more and more.

30 weeks pregnant with Baby #2

fall fun at mimi and papaws

Addi loved wearing Mimi's pink earmuffs:)

Giving rocks to Mimi to throw in the lake.


We were able to visit our new baby girl cousin Samantha this summer. Here is the best picture we could get of all the girls together:)

Chloe and Addi:)

Morse Park Beach Summer Fun

Morse Park Beach Summer Fun

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Little Babe loves her babies and taking them all for a stroller ride:)

Addi likes hair accessories, but only for play.

Addi and Daddy Pool Fun

Indoor Pool fun

She really was enjoying herself...just couldn't get the right pic!

So the weather was poor the day we visited the pier, but we had to grab a few photos to document the trip!