Saturday, February 25, 2012

Addi's first piggy tails!

Baby found her feet:)
Elli and Mama on her 3-month birthday

Addi likes to decorate her little sister's bouncy seat with maracas!
sleeping beauty

Addi's art

Addi's first finger painting experience!

My big girl in her Bumbo seat!

Elli loves her hands.

Addi requesting I take a picture of her hugging her tiger!
Getting bundled up for a wintry walk!

Addi received an art easel from Uncle Bruce and Aunt Karol for her second birthday. She loves it! Uses it daily.

Our second attempt at potty training ended with Addi needing to wear three pairs of her new undies, one on top of her pants.

Elli Belly

Elli loves to show off her pretty smile:)