It is rare that I capture any kind of a smile from my Addi. I take what I can get green teeth and all:)
The Girls love their Daddy
Elli was very proud to be able to "climb" up the bunk bed
This is usually what I get from Adelaide:)
Addi asked to turn the camera on Mommy. These are her first two pictures.
Addi is such a good Big Sister.
Waiting to open Valentine's Day gifts
Elli ALWAYS wants to do what her big sister does. Here the two are coloring.
Elli posing with the flowers Daddy got the girls for V-Day
I wanted to capture this picture so that one day I would remember:)
Trying to get Elli use to a "pony tail"
sweet girl
sweet baby face:)
The most snow we received this year. 8 in! Daddy and Addi loving it!
The tree in our front yard and view from the front of the house