Monday, August 26, 2013

Back home again in Rochester: More summer fun!

This is about as fun as it gets when you are 1 and 3:)

Addi started Wee Ones this year at Grace United Methodist Preschool. She was not nervous about starting school but rather about all the noises that she was hearing outside of our home like cicadas and other scary country noises;) 

doing her best to put on a brave face

Much better, safe inside for a few more pictures

Elli couldn't be left out

After school snack! Feeling good:)

Camp Fun Summer Fun

Papaw came to visit this summer

You never really have to guess what she is thinking:)

Sweet baby after bath

Princess Addi enjoying her 1000th popsicle of the summer;) 

The girls love to seat on the bar stools at camp

We attempted potty training this summer. Mostly Elli likes to sit on the potty and wipe;)

Midsummer we took a trip back to Indy to visit Mimi and Papaw. Here is Addi playing in their whale pool. 

Addi helping Mimi stake flowers

Elli "helping" too

Our friends came to visit this summer at camp

Camp Friends!



Addi decorating Easter eggs all by herself:)

Addi and Daddy on Easter Sunday after church

Elli loves reading her alphabet books

Addi dressing up like Mother Mary

snack time photo shoot

The girls love to paint

Daddy and Elli doing a little home improvement 

one of the many faces of Elli 

Elli's first haircut


the field out back

Mimi and Addi gardening


Our trip to Disneyworld

Addi's first rollercoaster. She was very brave!

The girls loved the Small World ride!

Addi loved meeting the princesses. She loved that each of them called her princess:)