Friday, July 30, 2010

Cousin Daxton

First time holding baby Daxton
Look at all that hair!

Caleb, Athena & Baby Daxton

Thursday, July 29, 2010

All the places she will go...

Now that Addi is mobile there are all sorts of things that she has found to get into.
She especially loves the laptop and any cords associated with it. Also she just loves to pull out the internet stick:)
She loves to hang out under the coffee table. She even knows how to sorta army crawl her way in and out to keep from bumping her head.

Just chillin'

Happy Girl!

Safe and secure.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fun time in Indy

Addi loved cousin Cohen's sensory ball.
Cousin Emma in a milk coma:)
Jenn, Linds, Emma & Addi

fun time with Auntie Jenn

Future football player?

So now that Addi is crawling she often finds herself in these kinds of pickles:)

Playing with a football that Great Aunt Karol gave her.

Addi loves her bunny!

Wearing a bonnet that Mimi got her from Indiana.