Saturday, July 31, 2010

Addi pulls up!


  1. Holy cow! I can't believe she is pulling up already! Emma won't even role over consistently. We are so proud of her!

  2. She is such a big girl and into everything now! Jenn, Emma will soon enough and then if she's anything like addi you'll be pulling out chunks of dog hair from her enjoy the stage she is at now;)

  3. I cannot believe she did that ... and to think that she wasn't even crawling yet when you were here just a couple of weeks ago !!!

  4. Like mama, like daughter. You were pulling yourself up on my pant leg in your fifth month. How do I beget such incredible children????

  5. Good girl Addi .I keep in touch with what
    going on with Addi Thanks for you blog.I feel like your other Grandma.

    Love you all Grandma Barb From Ga.

  6. Barb - A baby can never have too many grandma's and grandpa's. We feel the same way about sweet Emma.
    Ann (Mimi)
