Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Family Fun

Most mornings Daddy and Addi gather together at the table for breakfast. Addi eating her LIFE cereal and Daddy his peanut butter Captain Crunch!

Daddy & his girls

Addi requesting I take her picture

Drinking the milk like Daddy

This was the very first time Elli sat up on her own unassisted. We were all there to see her and were so proud of her! Elli is 5 1/2 months in this picture. 

Addi showing us that she can sit up too!

Addi performing surgery on Daddy's head

First time sitting up on her own

Addi loves to pick up rocks and put them in her bucket

Addi loves her little sister

Addi got a tricycle from Mimi and Papaw as a reward for potty training

Elli started crawling soon after her 6-month birthday

bear crawling

Sisters playing together now that Elli is mobile

waking up daddy

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