Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sweet Eleanor 6-months-old

Elli Daddy nap

As a reward for getting 20 stickers on her potty chart Addi got her ears pierced

So excited

Reality setting in

Deciding it's better if Mama holds her

A little apprehensive

Better with a sucker

poor baby!

Better with ice cream!

Such a big girl:)



Addi "decorating" her tricycle


  1. Sweet Baby Elli,
    Always with that big, beautiful smile on
    your face. No one would guess that when
    Mama goes missing; you can become really
    put out:) Reminds me of your aunt Emily...

  2. Addi, Addi, Addi, Papaw & I are sooo
    very proud of your potty training efforts.
    Your choice of earrings is just perfect!
    AND you made your tricycle so beautiful and
    unique. I would like to think you get
    your ability to accessorize from me:)
